Environmental Humanities Workshops and seminars at LARCA with Tom Nurmi

Université Paris Cité/ Environmental Humanities Workshop at LARCA UMR 8225 invites Tom Nurmi (Norwegian University of Science and Technology [NTNU, Trondheim] for two weeks. Tom Nurmi is the author of Magnificent Decay: Melville and Ecology (University of Virginia Press, 2020), “Melville’s Foams” (Oxford Companion of Herman Melville, 2022), “Mineral Melville” (J19, 7:1, 2019). He is currently working onContinue reading “Environmental Humanities Workshops and seminars at LARCA with Tom Nurmi”

SEM: Cy Lecerf Maulpaoix, Écologies déviantes. Voyage en terres queers

Les membres des équipes Empires, Souths, Sexualities et Humanités Environnementales du LARCA (Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Cultures Anglophones – CNRS UMR 8225) sont heureux de vous convier à leur prochaine séance de séminaire qui aura lieu de 17h à 19h le 22 février à l’Université Paris Cité (Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, salle 830) etContinue reading “SEM: Cy Lecerf Maulpaoix, Écologies déviantes. Voyage en terres queers”

Session 18: “Thinking the Ecological Thought through Film”

The next session of the Environmental Humanities seminar will take place on Thursday November 24, at 5pm (Paris time) online and at Université Paris Cité (bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, salle 830). Dr. Kim Knowles (Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies d’Aberystwyth University) will give a paper entitled “Thinking the Ecological Thought through Film”. This is a jointContinue reading “Session 18: “Thinking the Ecological Thought through Film””

[SEM]: Session 15: “L’alphabet du sensible par le prisme de l’écopoétique: réen-chante-ment et échos poétiques du vivant.”

La prochaine séance de notre séminaire aura lieu à l’Université Paris Cité le 23 juin 2022 de 17h à 19h (bâtiment ODG, salle 830) ainsi qu’en ligne sur zoom. Bénédicte Meillon présentera un papier intitulé “L’alphabet du sensible par le prisme de l’écopoétique: réen-chante-ment et échos poétiques du vivant.”

[SEM] Session 5 – ‘Vegetal Attunements: Thinking Models Against Philosophical Totalizations,’ 8 March 2021

Giovanni Aloi will present his paper ‘Vegetal Attunements: Thinking Models Against Philosophical Totalizations’ 5-7 o’clock, Paris time, 8 March 2021 Zoom link Western philosophy has a tendency to generalize and normitivize to the point of abstraction. Philosophical universalism has often deliberately concealed nuances in human-non-human kinship. This has limited the emergence of important discourses encompassingContinue reading “[SEM] Session 5 – ‘Vegetal Attunements: Thinking Models Against Philosophical Totalizations,’ 8 March 2021”

SEM: Decolonising Climate Discourse

Decolonising Climate Discourse A BSA Post/Decolonial Transformations Study Group Webinar 10 December 2020 (3.00-4.15pm)Online About the Event The global climate crisis poses one of the most pressing and most existential challenges of the twenty-first century, and powerful actors—from intergovernmental organisations to tech billionaires to social movements—have proposed solutions. But the nature of these solutions dependsContinue reading “SEM: Decolonising Climate Discourse”

[SEM] Session 2 – ‘Animisms,’ 10 December 2020

The Environmental Humanities research group at LARCA UMR 8225, Université de Paris, in conjunction with the ‘Poietic and Politics’ and ‘Ireland’ groups, U Lille, are happy to invite you to its next session, entitled ‘Animisms,’ featuring Peter Boxall, Jemma Deer and Nicholas Royle (5-7 o’clock, Paris time, 10 December 2020). Zoom link Peter Boxall will speak from his recently-completed novelContinue reading “[SEM] Session 2 – ‘Animisms,’ 10 December 2020”

Seminar: M. Bellego, “Plants and Papers: Imperial Lives of Botanical Things, 1848-1914”, LARCA

Monday 16 November, 5.30pm-6.30pm Marine Bellégo (Senior Lecturer, Université de Paris, LARCA UMR 8225) will give a paper entitled “Plants and Papers: Imperial Lives of Botanical Things, 1848-1914” You must register online beforehand. This is part of the Digital Materialities Webinar Series Abstract This paper will examine a central function of colonial botanical gardens in theContinue reading “Seminar: M. Bellego, “Plants and Papers: Imperial Lives of Botanical Things, 1848-1914”, LARCA”

[SEM] Session 1 – Stone and Store, Earth and World, Conversation and Conservation: Alice Munro’s “Working for a Living,” 5 November 2020

Dear all, We are happy to invite you to the first seminar of the new “Environmental Humanities” research group @ LARCA. The seminar will take place online on November 5th, 5 pm-7pm, Paris time. Prof. Cécile Roudeau, Assoc. Prof. Estelle Murail and I will circulate the Zoom link nearer the time. Prof. Thomas Dutoit (Université deContinue reading “[SEM] Session 1 – Stone and Store, Earth and World, Conversation and Conservation: Alice Munro’s “Working for a Living,” 5 November 2020”

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