Session 32: “Elemental Cartographies: Mapping Restoration Along the Waterways of Moʻo Reptilian Protectors, from Mauna Kea to Lahaina.”

Environmental Humanities Workshop, LARCA UMR 8225 –June, 13, 5.30pm, room 830, Olympe de Gouges Building. Candace Fujikane (U. of Hawaï), “Elemental Cartographies: Mapping Restoration Along the Waterways of Moʻo Reptilian Protectors, from Mauna Kea to Lahaina.” Dear colleagues, The Environmental Humanities Workshop at LARCA invites Candace Fujikane from the University of Hawai. Her talk is titled:  “ElementalContinue reading “Session 32: “Elemental Cartographies: Mapping Restoration Along the Waterways of Moʻo Reptilian Protectors, from Mauna Kea to Lahaina.””

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